NEWS // Badger Balm ~ Damascus Rose Facial Sunscreen

28 July 2012

Badger Balm Damascus Rose Face Sunscreen SPF16
£12.49 ~ 25ml

Badger Balm is a brand that I have known about for a while but only just recently decided to look into purchasing. And with this latest news I have more motivation than ever to go out and get me some Badger Balms goodies.

It's just been announced that Badger Balm are releasing their new Damascus Rose Face Sunscreen (SPF16)! This facial sunscreen uses the anti-oxidant & nutrient-rich powers of Rosehip, Seabuckthorn and Pomegranate extracts and of course Rose Otto essential oils. The rose blossoms are picked (by hand) and processed all in the same day to ensure they retain as much of their goodness as possible (like Birdseye peas!) This combination of essential oils is designed to soothe and nourish the skin, helping to prevent and improve the appearance of wrinkles and lines and give it a much needed moisture boost! 

With an SPF 16 protection factor the sunscreen protects your face's skin from both UVA and UVB rays, which also helps reduce the onset of wrinkles. 

Now I'm not the greatest fan of Rose scent so I'm hoping they might bring out another scented face sunscreen later, but for now I think it might be nice to try especially with this lovely weather we have been having! 

You can buy the new Badger Balm Damascus Rose Face Sunscreen here at

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